The evolving impacts of the pandemic on multiple aspects of business, from new motivational and organizational strategies to reconsiderations of brittle global supply chains
The wide range of artificial intelligence applications in business and important ethical questions related to AI usage
The notion of disruptive innovation, those developments so fundamentally different and far reaching they can create new professions, companies, or even entire industries while damaging or destroying others
The concept of the digital enterprise, in which a company relies on mobile connectivity, social media, artificial intelligence, and other digital tools to deliver value and build customer relationships
Up-to-date coverage of diversity considerations in the contemporary workplace
The digital transformation efforts that many companies are undertaking as they try to fend off new competitors and become digital enterprises
The gig economy and the broader issue of redefining the concepts of jobs and employment as companies try to navigate through fast-changing environments
Coverage of the rekindled hope for the union movement over the past several years.
The evolving role of HR, including the need to create safe workplaces, ensure fair treatment, and provide equal opportunity
The turmoil and innovations in retailing, including a greater focus on customer experience (CX) design, as physical retailers try to retain mobile and online shoppers
Pricing innovations such as freemium pricing, adaptive pricing that uses artificial intelligence to change prices in real time, and the growing trend of device-as-a-service subscription pricing
Voice of the customer (VoC) programs that use text analytics and other smart tools to capture customer sentiment and feedback
Going beyond corporate social responsibility with the concept of the purpose-driven business
The weaknesses in traditional transactional ledgers and how blockchain has the potential to solve them
Big data and analytics, including tools such as marketing analytics and workforce analytics
Information design that meets the needs of today’s students, with more than 10 thoughtfully designed Exhibits That Teach—diagrams and quick-reference tables that replace long passages of text to convey essential concepts efficiently and effectively
Full implementation of objective-driven learning that makes planning and course management easier for instructors and makes reading, study, and practice easier for students
In-chapter checkpoints that let students review material in manageable doses rather than being forced to take in an entire chapter at once
Clear, straightforward writing with carefully selected examples, no filler or fluff, and a conversational style that conveys professional respect for students and the material
Coverage of how the social media revolution has fundamentally changed the relationship between businesses and their stakeholders, empowering customers, knocking down barriers of organization and geography, and giving the best ideas a better chance of reaching the marketplace
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