How Does Your Book Compare to
Business Communication Today, 16th Edition?

An Interactive Checklist with Automatic Scoring

Does your current text have these essential features to help students develop the skills that virtually all employers now expect them to possess?

  Yes No
  1. Comprehensive, hands-on guidance for using AI tools ethically and effectively throughout the communication process, including specific advice for prompting, research, drafting, and content evaluation with enough AI-focused student activities to engage them for an entire course
  1. Enhanced visual learning approach with extensive use of infographics designed to help students grasp key concepts more quickly and effectively
  1. In-depth coverage of evolving workplace communication challenges including hybrid teams, virtual workplace etiquette, digital information fluency, and work from home (WFH) practices
  1. Forward-thinking treatment of inclusive communication that goes beyond basic concepts to address emerging topics like psychological safety, neurodiversity, accessibility, and inclusive visual design
  1. Contemporary approach to business presentations that emphasizes team presentations, interactive techniques, virtual delivery skills, and strategies for maintaining audience engagement in both in-person and online environments
  1. Coverage of data-driven business communication, including data literacy, analytics, and data visualization techniques
  1. Social media concepts, techniques, and student activities integrated throughout the book, from career planning to presentations
  1. Discussion and examples of the nine compositional modes needed to use the full range of digital media successfully
  1. An online study system with quizzes, customized study plans, interactive Document Makeovers, mini-simulations, and videos activities
  1. Dozens of annotated model documents that help students learn from realistic business writing examples, including before/after pairs that highlight specific ways documents can be improved
  1. An online study system with personalized engagement and high quality, interactive assignments and assessments ranging from new Interactive Reading Assignments and Mini Sims to Communication Sims and Dynamic Study Modules
  1. Free online resources for instructors that include a blog, instructor videos, slide presentations, curated magazines on, and media resources on Pinterest
  1. Coverage of personal branding as a powerful technique for career management and communication
  1. Innovative treatment of storytelling as a business communication strategy
  1. Full implementation of objective-driven learning that makes planning and course management easier for instructors and makes reading, study, and practice easier for students
  1. Fresh, exciting content anchored by an integrated learning system that develops students' skills more quickly and effectively by (1) previewing essentials, (2) developing essentials, (3) enhancing essentials, and (4) reinforcing essentials
  1. A real-world approach that features dozens of companies and business professionals in chapter examples, model documents, and communication cases
  1. Dedicated chapters on crafting messages for digital and social media, in addition to full integration of media coverage throughout every chapter--including a wide assortment of student projects
  1. Step-by-step instructions for creating a compelling LinkedIn profile, which has become the single most important career document for many employees
  1. Detailed coverage of writing for the web and writing for wikis
  You must answer every question in order for automatic scoring to occur.